Artist Interview: Mono Bagends (Talks about New Single “Drive Me Crazy” and More)


We always support good music on The Mixtape Kingdom, and we always show support and love to rising New York stationed rapper Mono Bagends.  Now Mono Bagends is back to talk to us about his new single “You Drive Me Crazy” featuring Mela Bela and more!  Read all about what he has to say below….


Mixtape Kingdom: What’s new with you Mono Bagends?
Mono Bagends: Same situation….grinding and doing my best.

Mixtape Kingdom: You have a hot new single out by the name of “You Drive Me Crazy”, how would you describe this new single?
Mono Bagends: It’s a fun fast paced dance record. It’s great for a club.

Mixtape Kingdom: A lot of critics and bloggers have been comparing this song to something that a Pitbull or Flo-Rida would do, what would you like to say about that?
Mono Bagends: That’s cool with me. Those are two great artists so if they mention me with them I’ll take it as a compliment.

Mixtape Kingdom: Is this song currently on any mixtapes?  If so which ones?
Mono Bagends: Not sure….it is hard to keep up with all the things going on.

Mixtape Kingdom: Speaking of Mixtapes, are there any mixtapes that you are currently listening to?
Mono Bagends: No

Mixtape Kingdom: Do you plan on releasing a mixtape yourself?  If so, tell us about it…..
Mono Bagends: Not in the immediate future…but you never know what you wind up doing. 

Mixtape Kingdom: Where do you see “Mixtapes” headed in the future, lets say within the next five years?
Mono Bagends:  Not really sure. For a lot of underground artists mixtapes are the focal point of their movement.  I imagine that will be the same because it is cheaper to put out a mixtape than an album.  You also have more freedom to just rap on a mixtape….without having to plan out certain songs.

Mixtape Kingdom: What plans do you have for the Summer of 2013?
Mono Bagends: Doing a lot of shows.  I love performing live and I am great at it so it is a match made in heaven.  I want to hit up the various festivals that go on during the summer.


Get more updates on Mono Bagends on his official web page here at this link